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Junta de la biblioteca
If you would like to use a Meeting Room you must fill out our Meeting Room Application annually.
For each time you wish to use a Meeting Room, you must fill out a
Meeting Room Reservation.

Before filling out the above forms, read the following information:
1. To learn more about using our Meeting Rooms, please take a look at our
Meeting Room Policy.
2. Per the policy, a Maywood library card in good standing must be used to book a meeting room.
3. Per the policy, Meeting Room usage is open to the public. However, capacity limits are enforced for safety.
4. Per the policy, a Meeting Room is not booked until the reservation is received and payments are made. Payments must be made in cash. A receipt will be given.
5. Per the policy, a Meeting Room cannot be requested for commercial use, political purposes, private functions, for the purpose of religious worship, or meetings that may interfere with the work of the library (such as noise concerns).
6. Per policy, permission to use the meeting rooms does not imply endorsement of an outside organization by the library and groups may not state or imply library sponsorship when publicizing the event. Any communication and advertising must clearly state: Event not sponsored by the Maywood Public Library District.

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